So much happens in Dolphins it is hard to know where to start and where to end without writing a novel that would take a month to read. Everything feels important and everyday something special happens within so many little everyday things going on, but here is a little snap shot of September.
We started off the month looking at ‘ourselves’ and this has continued throughout the month with children sharing stories with groups of their peers, talking about what they have done in their time outside of nursery in the weekend or on holiday , talking about who their friends are and who their family members are beyond the nursery. We have made faces out of play dough, taken digital photos of each other and then compared elements of our features we have in common or that are different.
Dolphins’ has a new self registration board that we use each morning during our Welcome Circle Time. This happens at around 9am where the children get together as a group, welcome everyone and talk about any new people in the room for the day. The children are encouraged to find their own name card and stick it on the board to show that they are here. It helps them to recognise their name or picture and feel that they are a valued part of the room. Some of the older children will help the younger ones to find their name and put it on the board too.
The preschool children have been talking a lot about keeping themselves safe by crossing the road safely, keeping close to their friends or family when they are out and about, what to do if they get lost, why we wear special visible vests when we go on nursery outings, etc.
We have also had the community support officers come in to talk to all of the dolphins about keeping safe and stranger danger and Jenny has been teaching the preschoolers a phrase to shout if someone they don’t know tries to get them to go with them. Parents can help with this one too.
SHOUT: No! Stranger!
And, some children in Dolphins have tried their hand at wood work by sanding and gluing wood to make houses and boats. Some quite elaborate designs have started to be built.
And our cooking this month has included:
Lemon and poppy seed muffins Toasted pizza bread Wholemeal bread
Fruit loaf blueberry scones filled pita pockets and sandwiches
(In case you didn’t know, the children cook their own tea on Tuesdays and Fridays).