It has been a very vocal month in Seahorses with lots of songs, rhymes and stories during time spent together as a group. The babies have become more familiar with each other and started to respond to their fellow babies as friends and companions with interactions that show care and familiarity with each other. It is quite special to see babies form friendships and start to value each other.
To add some challenges this month to painting, we supported the babies in painting tubes. They had fun rolling the tubes in the paint and looking at the paint clinging to the roll. We have also being doing chalk drawings on dark paper, crayon and pencil drawings too.
Seahorses have all been mucking in with our favourite corn flour slime play, water play in trays and play dough. Babies who have been pulling themselves up for a while now and cruising around furniture have been surprised by the discovery of sand in the sand tray outside. They have become regular sand players and are really appreciating the world at standing level.
Inside, lots of time has been spent with walkers, rocking on the pony ride-on toy. Outside, the more physical babies have been enjoying the ride-on toys and moving themselves around the garden in them, even though some aren’t quite walking, they have been firmly committed to getting around the space efficiently with the ride on toys!
Toy cars, push a long toys and running cars around the garage have also been a big feature of September, as well as counting and placing bangles on the paper towel holder. Yes, the bangles on the paper towel holder- everyone loves this one- staff included, and everyone has a favourite bangle!