This month we will be having a bigger focus on the wider world. The children have become very interested in the outside environment and are linking in animals, trains, cars, pets, to their play. They are really noticing birds, squirrels, airplanes, trees, etc.
We will be focussing on talking about things in our community that we are all familiar with; the roads, trains tracks, parks and activities taking place there. We will also focus on the role play that the toddlers have started to become very involved in; dressing up, washing dishes, making tea and food for each other.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
Painting shapes from the environment they are familiar with- trains, cars, squirrels, cats, dogs, bugs, etc.
Set up train tracks, car mats, people, animals, etc and provide extra opportunities for small world play.
Continue role play of washing up, tidying up, cleaning, making food, drinks, etc.
Introduce more books on the community and environment.
Continue the exploration of our garden, searching for bugs, snails, insects, etc.
Going for an excursion to watch the goings on outside the nursery- people walking dogs, getting on trains, driving their cars, flying in airplanes.
Setting up the small world resources in the garden.
Some ideas to support your children at home:
Go insect collecting with your child.
Take a trip to the natural history museum to look at things that interest you and them from the environment.
Take a road side seat and count or just point to cars that go by, airplanes, buses, trucks, trains, etc.
Name colours of trees, cars, birds, animals.
Stand under a tree and catch the leaves.
Go to the library and get out some books on the community.
Set your child up at home with a tea set and some soapy water and let them wash the dishes.
Let them help you clean with the broom, dustpan and brush.
Give them a damp cloth to clean as you do.