During October we will be having a focus on change, particularly seasonal changes and changes with ourselves.
The children are commenting a lot on being big and growing up as well as noticing all the changes outside with autumn coming.
The children are commenting a lot on being big and growing up as well as noticing all the changes outside with autumn coming.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this concept will be:
Going on a nature walk to collect natural materials
Setting up an autumnal nature table to look at the various things falling from the trees.
Art- printing with natural materials. E.g. leaves, conkers, etc.
Cooking- making soup out of seasonal vegetables.
Making story boards of our lives.
Drawing self portraits using mirrors.
Making a photo board of people pictures from young and old.
We are hoping to be able to organise a trip to a ‘pick- your- own’ farm.
What you could do to support your children at home:
Go on a nature walk and collect conkers, acorns, leaves and any other autumnal items- use them at home or bring them into nursery.
Go to the library and get some books out on the weather.
Sort out their clothes with them and exchange their summer clothes for winter clothes and talk about why.
Talk about the year cycle of trees, how they lose their leaves and then regain them in spring.
Talk about the people in your family- their ages, what they do, whether they are big or small, etc.
Show your child photos of you in a sequence from being a baby until now and talk about how you have changed.
Talk about animals through the year and how they change. Maybe they hibernate, gain thicker fur, shed, etc.