Friday 30 October 2009

What are we doing in Dolphins this month?
This month in Dolphins, we will be continuing our focus on the supermarket that started to emerge in October. We have transformed our home corner into a supermarket and will extend and refresh following children’s interests and ideas.
Also this month, we will be talking about Bonfire Night and making some colourful decorations for this and talking about safety for the children and our pets.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this concept will be:
Continuing to keep the supermarket refreshed and interesting.
Taking a trip to Waitrose
Playing and making games based around shopping and the supermarket: snap, memory, etc.
Buying ingredients from the supermarket and cooking with the children.
Talking about the different roles of the staff in the supermarket.
Talking about where the food in the supermarket comes from.
Making real food to sell in our supermarket for our tea time.
Making colourful fireworks art.
Talking about how to keep ourselves safe on Bonfire night.

What you could do to support your children at home:
Set up a little supermarket in your child’s room with old food boxes, etc.
Give your child some money to take to the supermarket and buy some goods with.
Talk about where the item they brought came from. What is it made of? Where was it made? Is it the finished product or do you need to combine it with others to make something else?
Talk about the local supermarkets and what you buy at each of them. Do you go to one for veges and another for nappies, or do you buy everything at the one place?
Make some cupcakes, biscuits, etc, make a supermarket and then invite your friends round to buy their food.