October saw lots of interest in autumn and a lot of joy at finding leaves all over the playground to pick up, crunch, scrunch and throw.
We painted leaves, used autumn colours in paintings and also did some conker paintings. For some of the babies rolling the conkers around in paint was a real joy, the sensory experience of slippery paint and conkers that clonk was great. The paint started off different colours, but all ended up brown as they stayed rolling for such a long time. Painting the leaves was also great fun for many of them, especially those relaxed with getting messy.
We also had a big focus on some of the babies physical development which brought us new walkers and babies really confident in crawling and rolling over too. Pulling pull-along toys outside has been an enjoyed activity for those new to their feet too.
Lots of playing musical instruments has happened too with the babies and making big noises. Lots of our older babies are really into the cause and effect of playing the instruments and getting them to play as loud as they can.
The babies always love the junk play. We collect loads of old containers, boxes, pots, crinkly biscuit trays, etc and let them just explore it and enjoy it. Strange how the cheapest resources for the children often get the best use!
And there has also been lots of puzzle and shape sorting going on for our bigger babies too, as well as plenty of time out and relaxation.