Wednesday, 9 September 2009

What are we doing in Dolphins this month?

During September we will be having a focus on ourselves.
We have some new starters who have come through from Starfish and some new children to the nursery. To support the reshuffle of ages and friendships, we will be having a focus on who we are; names, faces, friends, what we look like, special things about us, and so on. It’s a good time to boost our children’s understanding of themselves to support good relationships with each other.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this concept will be:
rawing ourselves, around our bodies, foot prints, hand prints, etc.
Talking about our traits; eye colour, hair colour, styles, clothes, etc.
Reading stories about other children and comparing them to us.
Talking about preferences; in activities, food, clothes, games, pets, songs, etc.
Talking about our families, homes, where grandparents live, etc.
Introducing our new self registration board.
Telling and writing stories about themselves.
Comparing their lives to the lives of children in other countries.

What you could do to support your children at home:
Talk to your child about who they are- who makes up their family? Where do their extended family members live? Who do they look like? Which family members share certain traits like hair colour?
Look at photos of family members and talk about the relationships between them.
Talk to your child about what makes them special. How do you feel about them? How do they feel about you? Who are their friends? What sorts of things do they like to do? What makes them happy? What makes them sad?
Draw pictures with them of themselves, family members, pets, home, etc.
Write a little story together to go with pictures or without pictures. E.g. My name is........... I live at................with...................... In the weekend we like to....................... and so on.