What are we doing in Seahorses this month?
The seahorses are going to be having a focus on winter clothing with lots of images displayed to reinforce the clothes they are wearing and allowing them to make links between the clothes they wear, the images they see and the words we use to label them.
The seahorses are going to be having a focus on winter clothing with lots of images displayed to reinforce the clothes they are wearing and allowing them to make links between the clothes they wear, the images they see and the words we use to label them.
What are we doing at the nursery to support this:
Providing lots of hats and scarves for the children to try on.
Painting images of winter clothes- hats, scarves, jumpers, jackets, etc.
Wrapping the children up and getting them outside.
Providing laminated pictures of winter clothing for the children to look at.
Reading books about the season and the clothes we wear.
Displaying photos of the babies in the outdoor area in their winter clothes.
Use lots of language to reinforce the names of the garments and the weather. E.g. cold, wet, windy, hat, scarf, jacket, mittens, boots, etc.
What could you do to support the children and reinforce what they have experienced at the nursery?
Have a play with scarves, hats and jackets at home any try each others on.
Get wrapped up and go on plenty of walks in the outdoors to let the experience play in the colder weather.
Take them shopping to buy a new hat, mittens, etc.
Get some books out of the library about winter and winter clothes.
Use language regular consistent language to reinforce the words for the garments. ‘my hat, your hat’, ‘my jacket, your jacket’, ‘Shall we get your hat on?’