Thursday 1 May 2014

What did SeaTurtles do in April

This month we have been growing and planting inside and outside. We extended on this topic from last month when the children were interested in fruits and vegetables, looking at how they grow.

Before we started to get into the gardening theme,  we took a small group of children on a trip to   Homebase to collect the tools we needed to do our gardening .  We bought bags of soil, seeds, spades etc. Children enjoyed smelling the flowers at the garden centre, especially after finding the strawberry  plant! The children looked at the different gardening clothes we might use, trying on gloves to protect our hands.

After collecting our equipment we got into the full swing of things by planting sunflower seeds. Children enjoyed placing gloves on their hands to protect from the soil. Over the month we started to watch our plants and flowers grow and sprout up. Children enjoyed looking everyday to see if there were any changes.  The job the children loved the most was using the watering can to water the plants,  and using them in the water-play. 
This month we also created a mud area in the garden, the children enjoyed digging and exploring their senses through finger play.
The children planted ‘peas’ and watched them sprout, they then got to take them home to continue to watch them grow. 
Children created fruit and vegetable pictures, exploring the textures of the fruit by touching and feeling.   This helped to add new words into their play.