Friday 2 May 2014

What we did in Dolphins in April 2014


In April the Dolphins children learnt about how living things change and grow. We looked at both how plants grow and how we ourselves grow and change


Emma helped the children to plant some spring time seeds and bulbs in the garden.  The children really enjoyed getting their hands dirty and taking responsibility for helping to look after their seeds by watering them.

Marie Claire helped the children to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly by introducing baby caterpillars and getting the children to watch them grow and change into butterflies before releasing them into the wild, along with looking at books about caterpillars and drawing pictures of the caterpillars.

The Preschool children looked at different animal life cycles such as frogs and chickens. They had a lot of fun carrying out some experiments with eggs.  The unanimous favourite was the unbreakable egg experiment!