Following on from our life cycle topic and
watching our caterpillars change and become butterflies, The children in
Dolphins have shown an interest in looking at snails, slugs and other creepy
crawlies they find outside so we will be expanding upon their knowledge and
interest through a variety of activities,
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: begin
to accept the needs of others and take turn and share resources, sometimes with
support from others. PD: Begin to
recognise danger and seek support of a significant adult for help. C&L Begin to understand ‘Why’ and
‘How’ questions.
Specific areas:
L: Show interest in illustrations and print in
books and prints in the environment. M:
Show an awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment. UW: Talk about some of the things they
have observed, such as plants, animals, natural and found objects. EA&D: Begin to use a variety of
construction materials.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support
this will be:
Bug Hunts. Marie Claire will be taking groups of children to the park to
look for bugs and creepy crawlies
Bug posters. Shilpi will be helping the children to create
posters of insects using photos, magazine pictures and their own drawings of
Pipe cleaner Bugs. Christine will be supporting the children to create
Bugs using pipe cleaners, Feathers and polystyrene balls
Bug studies. Matt will support the children in choosing
their favourite creepy crawlies and taking a closer look at them, learning
about a different bug each week.
Observing insects. Manjit will be helping the children to learn about
the different bugs in our surrounding environment through observation, Manjit
will encourage the children to look at and draw pictures of creepy crawlies
they find.
Making 3D Bumble bees. Abongi will be supporting the children to
make 3D bumble bees using a variety of materials and learning about their characteristics.
Bug Hotel. Emma will assist the children to make bug hotels to put in the
playground and observe what bugs come to stay.
What you could do to support
your children at home:
Go on your own bug hunt. Go to your local park and look under logs,
rocks and around the base of trees and see what insects you can find, have a
discussion with your child about what are their favourite bugs and why.
your very own bug home to hang in the garden. Help
your child to make a bug home to place in your garden or hang outside a window.
some books. Take a trip to your local library
and borrow some books on insects and other creepy crawlies. Talk to your child
about the habitats, food and characteristics of the insects in the books.