What are we doing in Sea Turtles in June?

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: Share
the experience of learning new nursery rhymes and songs with their friends PD: Develop fine motor skills by
repeating actions to rhymes and songs. C&L:
Expand their vocabulary by learning
new songs, rhymes and words.
Specific areas:
M: learn
rhymes with numbers, counting and noticing when something has been taken away.
Begin to enjoy pictures and
stories about themselves, their families and other people
EA&D: create puppets, images, learn new rhymes, dressing up and
exploring new songs and rhymes.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
Movement flash cards. Sarah will create some movement flash cards to
use with the children to get them to try different movements, such as jumping,
shaking and hopping.
Music time. Alice will support the children to explore the different sounds of
a variety of musical instruments.
Story and rhyme sacks. Laura will make story and rhyme sacks to use
with the children.
Musical instruments. Afia will support the children to create their
own musical instruments using a variety of materials and use them in circle
Junk modelling. Using a variety of resources and materials
Christina will help the children to
create props for action songs and rhymes such as the wheels on the bus.
Music and movement. The children will explore movements large
and small to music in the garden.
Some ideas to support your
children at home:
Play some music. Whether you are in the car, house or garden
play some music, songs or rhymes and sing, dance and move along to it with your
Story & rhyme sacks. Create your own story or rhyme sack, choose
one of your child’s favourite stories or rhyme and gather items from around the
house that could be used as props for that story or rhyme, or make your own
puppets, masks and flash cards. Place them in a bag or box ready to use.
Story time. Spend a quiet 10 minutes a day sitting looking at books together
encourage them to point to their favourite pictures in the book and to repeat
words from the story after you.