Friday 30 May 2014

What we will be doing in Dolphins in June 2014

What are we doing in Dolphins in

Some of the children have been talking about going away and how they get to their destinations, the children also enjoying looking at the different vehicles that drive into the car park. So this month we will be looking at travelling and different types of transport,

 The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: For the children to play in a group extending & elaborating play ideas, (e.g. building up a role play activity with other children) PD: Jump off an object and land appropriately. C&L Questions why things happen and give explanations, ask who, what, when and how.
Specific areas:
L: Ascribe meaning to marks that they see in different places. M: Show an interest in numerals in the environment. UW: Talk about why things happen and how they happen. EA&D: Begin to use a variety of construction materials.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:
·         Different ways to travel. Manjit will be looking at different ways of travelling with the children including sea travel and travelling by train, Manjit will be taking groups of children on trips on the train, and help support the children to make tickets and boats.
·         How they move. Shilpi will be helping the children to understand how different vehicles move using pictures and videos and expanding their vocabulary by introducing new words.
·         Junk Modelling. Christine will be supporting the children to use a variety of materials including boxes, tape, card and fabric to create junk model vehicles.
·          Large scale construction. Matt will support the children to build large scale models using themselves, chairs, boxes and string.
·         Travel Agents & Airport role play. Marie Claire will set up a travel agent in the home corner and an Airport in the garden and help support the children to participate in role play alongside their peers.
·         How we travel around the world and ages. Abongi will being showing the children what transport is used around the world and has been used in past times.
·         Transport Collage. Emma will assist the children to create collages using pictures of different modes of transport.

What you could do to support your children at home:
·         Look at holiday photos. Look at holiday photos and talk about how you got there, if you went to a different country talk about what modes of transport they use in that country.
·         Take a trip on public transport. Take a trip on a bus, train, tube or tram, talk to your child about the journey and how people can travel from one place to another, let them help you buy the ticket or top up the oyster card,

·         What can you spot? While walking or driving to nursery see how many different modes of transport you and your child can spot, ask your child questions about colours and shapes you can see, (e.g. what colour is that car, what shape are the wheels on that bike, how many wheels does that bus have.)