Wednesday 2 April 2014

What we got up to in Dolphins in March 2014

As the Dolphin children were showing a keen interest and enjoyed the previous month’s topic about keeping healthy, we decided to follow on into March with continuing with the healthy theme with the topic of ‘Keeping Active’.

We supported  the children to participate in lots of different keeping active activities.

We had a pancake race at the beginning of the month, with lots of weaving through poles and hopping over hula hoops.  Children had a great time and really got involved.

We celebrated World Book Day by becoming characters from our favourite books.  The Gruffalo was a keen favourite choice for many of the children.

We took advantage of the warmer weather by taking a small trip to the park with the majority of the group, we enjoyed the walk down as much as playing in the park!

Children enjoyed talking about the different kinds of sports events the watch on television or play outside of nursery.
The main even of the month was our Sports Relief Olympics.  The children absolutely loved taking parts in the many physical activities we had going on both inside and outdoors.  From yoga indoors, to a full blown circuit in the car park, the children got to explore their physical abilities and watch the teachers explore theirs too, as the whole nursery took part!