Tuesday 15 May 2012

Plans for May to June

What are we doing in Dolphins May to June?

From May to June we will be focussing on living things.
The children are really interested in living things and this has carried on from our interest in animals and growing, introduction of the caterpillars and the guinea pigs and the development of our garden bed.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW-Show curiosity and interest in the features of objects and living things. PSED- Show care and concern for others, for living things and the environment. PSRN- Show an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making. CLL Build up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences. PD Engage in activities requiring hand–eye coordination. Use one-handed tools and equipment. CD Use language and other forms of communication to share the things they create, or to indicate personal satisfaction or frustration.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·      Christine H will be looking at growing things for eating with the children. She will be bringing in some interesting fruits for the children to explore the properties of, talk about how they are grown and where and taste them. She will also be growing cress with the children to make sandwiches out of.
·      Laura J, with the children will continue to track the development of the caterpillars as they make their way from their cocoons to life as a butterfly. She will also be making some butterfly prints with the children
·      Cristina will be helping the children to make some books where they are able to sequence lifecycles of frogs, butterflies, hens and people.

·      Laura Z will be researching Guinea Pigs with the children and putting together a large scale book to use in the book corner with images of Guinea pigs and interesting facts about them.

·      Jenny will be continuing the development of the gardening patch with the children from the flower bed to a vegetable garden- planting and growing vegetables that we can eat.

·      Laura W will be organising an excursion for some of the children to an allotment to look at growing plants for food and raising chickens. She will also be setting up a lot of messy play to explore and role play gardening and the sensory experience of gardening.

·      Rachel will be preparing a range of images of gardening to laminate and decorate the outdoor area with and also use as discussion cards with children to support language

 What you could do to support your children at home:

·      Set up a little gardening patch at home. Even if it is just on pots, the pride children get from growing is huge and it really supports the concept of caring for living things.

·      Take your child to a garden centre. Look at all the plants and talk about what they are, what they need to help them grow. Look at the seeds, seedling, full trees and talk about the differences.

What are we doing in Sea Turtles May to June?
Spring time is carrying on, partly because April to May has been so rainy, much of our plans slowed down and were replaced with puddle play, but also because the children just love exploring spring, colours, flowers, animals, insects and fruit and so we’d like to spend some time exploring these in more depth.
 The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW- Developing curiosity in the environment.  PSED- developing a strong exploratory impulse, exploring the environment with interest. PSRN- developing interest in classifying and organising items with intent. CLL Using language to accompany feelings, experiences and thoughts. PD being to use tools and materials for a particular purpose. CD-seeking to make sense of what they can see, hear, feel, touch and smell.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
·      Manjit will be setting up some flowers in bloom collages for the children using tissue, straw and paint. Also some sand collages using coloured sand, glue and tissue.
·      Ella will be setting up some stamping activities using fruit and vegetables to look at the shapes they make.
·      Chloe will be talking about fruits and vegetables in circle times using flash cards and different fruits and vegetables. She will also be setting up some collages using seeds and pips.
·      Sarah G will be setting up some garden play for the children to role play gardening using soil, flowers, seeds, trowels and watering cans. She will also be providing opportunities for children to look at the shapes, colours and smells of a variety of unusual  and usual fruit and then try them.
·      Sara will be using magazine cut outs of a range of fruit and vegetables for the children to look at and talk about and then collage for display.
·      Rachel E will be helping the children to plant bean sprouts and tracking their growth through photographs.
·      Sarah Louise will be focussing on using Handa’s Surprise with the children to talk about fruits, colours and animals.
Some ideas to support your children at home:
  • Buy some unusual fruits like lychees, dragon fruit, passion fruit, guava, figs and have a session trying them with your child.
  • With colours remember to name the colours of things you are talking about or playing with. E.g. red rose, black cat, green apple. It helps them to start to connect the joining of words together and understand the concepts of colours and differentiation