We have been able to establish our little garden in the car park and the children in both Dolphins and Sea Turtles have loved it and visit it daily to check it is okay and talk about how the plants are going to grow and what we will be doing next in our gardening mission.
lot of gardening has also gone on in doors, particularly in Sea Turtles. They
have been planting cress, lentils and tomatoes. Even an apple seed found at
snack time has been planted and to everyone’s amazement, it is sprouting! The
cress has been used to make some grass for a small world farm and the children
enjoyed touching it, smelling it and investigating the stringy properties of it.
Turtles also have a new exploration tank that they have introduced to the room
for children to put their natural discoveries into. It has had lady birds,
snails, slugs and spiders in it facing big eyes of fascinated children peering through
the glass. They have fed them leaves, mud, oranges, grass and all sorts of things
the children have found and insist they need!
Turtles also introduced some silk worms
into the room that are pretty uninspiring now, but over the next month will fatten
up and start to move through the interesting cocoon stage and emerging as silk worm
moths. But for now we just have to feed them and clean them and watch them.
kite flying was good too. With all the wind we have had we made some kites for
the children and teachers to fly. The children are fascinated by them and so we
have decided to buy some kites for the nursery to have kite flying days in the
car park.
we have also been doing some hard dry texture exploration with little trays of
sand, rocks, macaroni, straws and glitter- great fun. The little ones absolutely
love having the chance to really sit and ponder the textures and shapes of different
items. Roaming our toy insects about in lumpy sludge has been a lot of fun too.
Dolphins have
also had a bit of a messy month. The children have been really keen on the
messy sensory play activities and so we have had gloop, slime, mud, Gelli, finger
painting, etc. for the children to smooth their fingers around and relax
wallowing in soft and lovely relaxing play.
We’ve also had a lot of fun playing in the rain. There has been no choice really! Jenny has had some great times with the children catching rain in cups and measuring how much they have collected with them. Then there was the episode that descended into a water fight as the children started tossing water at Jenny who couldn’t stop laughing to tell them to stop.