Tuesday 19 June 2012

Reflection of May to June 2012

Well, we started with a lovely brief heat wave at the end of May and the start to June went back to water! But we soldiered on with the activities we love to do outside, even if it was a little wetter and a lot muddier.

Sea Turtles had plenty of soil play, pretend gardening and planting, but also small world digging and excavation. Soil, trucks, cars, spades and watering cans made for some great muddy tracks and bogs.

Despite the lack of sunshine, we have still had a lot of flowers growing and we have had endless discussions about flowers and plants, fruits and vegetables and what we need to do to help them to grow. The flowers and plants didn’t need any extra watering, but they got it! Children love it and it makes us feel summery and productive and brings meaning to what we have been talking and reading about.

We have also made summery collages and art work of flowers using scrunched up tissue paper and paint. And, we have also made a lovely colour board using sand, paint and glue on black paper. The children loved doing that and it is always fun discovering colours with toddlers.

Fruits and vegetables have been a big feature this month too. The children have been sampling all sorts of fruits and naming them through the real objects and through photographs. Also puppet shows where the characters eat and talk about the fruits. The children made some pretty fruit platters too, by collaging fruit cut outs from magazines onto paper plates and then talked about what they had and what they liked.

And then we had some great little cultural activities too. Seaman’s Day, which we learned from one of our parents, is an Icelandic festival of the sea. So we made little fish medals to wear, which were so pretty and the children were very proud of them.

And then there was the jubilee tea party and all the events surrounding that!

In Dolphins we have also loved the outdoors as if it was sunny every day. Our children are definitely sick of us making sure they have jackets and cardigans on, especially when it’s is sunny one minute with cold breezes and then dumping rain on us the next, but in terms of what we have been able to do outside, you’d never know we were battling a poor excuse for summer.

We released the butterflies at the end of May after probably waiting too long to release them on a warm day. The warm day never came and we had to let them go. We had a butterfly day, where the children did butterfly art and had their faces painted as butterflies. There were enough butterflies for most of the Dolphins children to courageously put their hands into the butterfly tent and take them out on their hands. The butterflies were not as daring though. They flopped about and fell to the ground. The children were highly amused by that and we re-caught them to put them on the trees and they fell off and flapped about some more.

The other fun in the outdoors has been dens. Den are always loved in summer (and any time really) because they provide the outdoor experience with some cosy shelter. We’ve also brought a lot of the dress up clothes outside too and so dressing up and experiencing all sorts of dramatic play in and out of the dens and around the garden has been wonderful. Thanks to the children, we have been able to see the garden as a village, shopping centre, park, homes, their personal gardens and much more as the children have set up their world using the real space to invent the imaginary. To watch their activity and listen to their conversations in 'their world' is nothing short of totally magic.  

Having the guinea pigs in the run outside has been fun too. The children just love them and it is so nice to be able to go up to the run, lean over and give them a stroke. Kip and Silky love it too and are so much more active and receptive to the children in the garden, and of course, they become part of the imaginary scenarios too. 
And again, a messy month. Loads of messy play, junk modelling, painting and creating. The children get very mucky often, and the concentration involved in all the works that create mess is wonderful. Their imagination both in what they can create through materials and the pretend world is inspiring.

The Queens  jubilee
The favourite part of the end of May, beginning of June was or course The Queens Jubilee. In both the Sea Turtles and Dolphins there were loads of activities going on with bunting, flags, paper chains, etc, sticking, etc. Children love excitement and particularly in Dolphins, they adored get ready for the party and have a little celebration together. The children who were in on the day of the Jubilee Tea Party had so much fun getting set up for the event.

The wonderful part of the Queens Jubilee was that the children felt the whole world was celebrating with them. The decorations were everywhere in and out of the nursery and every child had a common interest.