Wednesday 4 April 2012

What are we doing in Dolphins this month?

From April to May we will be focussing on gardening and growing with a little bit of care for the environment splashed in too.
It is spring and so once the daffodils retreat we will be jumping into the spring gardening. The children have absolutely loved monitoring the growth of the daffodils they planted as bulbs in winter and were really excited by the proud daffodils once they bloomed. They also have loved preparing our proposed flower bed and are ready and excited to get gardening!
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW-Care for the environment, observing environmental change, learning that they can be responsible to making change. PSED- Feeling good about and responsible for living things . PSRN- Watching growth, increases in size, counting, sorting, classifying. CLL learning new names for plants and processes. Being able to articulate processes. PD Gross motor skills in lifting, moving and seedlings. CD Designing the garden layout.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:
·         Jenny will be working with the children in designing the new flower garden and planting.
·         Cristina will be growing hyacinths with the children and other sprouts to look at plants and roots growing.
·         Laura W will be cultivating seedlings for sunflowers with the children.
·         Rachel will be doing some collages with the children using images of flower petals.
·         Christine H will be dissecting flowers with the children and talking about all of the different parts of flowers.
·         Laura Z will be showing the children how to make butterfly prints.
·         Laura J will be setting up the butterfly tent and supporting the growth and development of the  butterflies with the children.

What you could do to support your children at home:
·         If you are a gardener and have seedlings that you have too many of, send them in with your child to add to our garden.
·         Take your child for a spring walk. A great place to visit is the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park as it is full of flowers and spring action on the pond.
·         Observe and talk about all of the changes on the trees and in gardens.
·         For the older Dolphins, see if you can get them to remember what happened last spring and if the can predict what will happen next.