What are we doing in Starfish this month?
During September, we will be having a focus on fruit and vegatables.
Through the extra focus on singling out and naming colours that we have been doing with the children, a lot of play fruit and vegetables were used to name and compare colours. As a result, the children have become really interested in talking about fruit and vegetables, comparing play ones to real ones and using the fruit and vegetables in their role play. So, this month, we will be basing many of our additional activities around them.
Through the extra focus on singling out and naming colours that we have been doing with the children, a lot of play fruit and vegetables were used to name and compare colours. As a result, the children have become really interested in talking about fruit and vegetables, comparing play ones to real ones and using the fruit and vegetables in their role play. So, this month, we will be basing many of our additional activities around them.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
Talking about, including and naming fruit and vegetables as we play.
Naming pictures through flash cards.
Painting, collage, art activities involving fruit and vegetables
Making pizza with the children and talking about the vegetables we include.
Baking including fruit, e.g. fruit muffins, banana bread.
Talking about the vegetables and fruit in our snacks, dinners, teas.
Looking at a variety of real fruit and vegetables and comparing them to the play versions.
Some ideas to support your children at home:
Buy a cheap bag of plastic fruit and veg and play with your children.
Go through the fruit and vegetables in your home and name them.
Do some cooking at home involving fruit and veg with your child.
Take a wander to your local green grocer and get your child to choose what fruit and veg they are interested in and then get them to help prepare it at home.
Take a trip to a ‘pick your own’ orchard and have fun picking fruit (apples are still good for picking)