Seahorses have had a wonderful messy couple of weeks with extra opportunities for sand and water play scooping up bubbles with spoons and cups. The babies loved to get messy and relax in the different sensations. They also had paint brishes in the water to watch the water change colour and move it about.

Our babies have really begun to enjoy their little singing time and love to watch and listen to the teachers singing songs like The Wheels on The Bus (a firm favourite). They sit and happily listen, or get up and dance about the space.
Mark making has also been a big feature with the babies taking opportunities to hold and use pencils and crayons. It is amazing how they pick up the cause and effect of using the pencils to make marks and changing colours as they feel the need.
A really fun part of this week has been playing with Hamlin the hamster that one of our teachers brought in. He is a really calm and happy little hamster who doesn’t mind being handled at all. He also loves to run around the room in his little ball and the babies watch in utter fascination.
The Starfish group invited us to join them when they set up the bouncy castle inside on a heavy rain day. They had Brazilian music playing in the background and the babies really enjoyed being able to roll about on the soft uneven surface.
The Starfish group invited us to join them when they set up the bouncy castle inside on a heavy rain day. They had Brazilian music playing in the background and the babies really enjoyed being able to roll about on the soft uneven surface.