On Monday morning this week the Dolphin children came into the nursery and discovered our first butterfly had come out of its cocoon. Then another came out and another until all of the butterflies had hatched from their cocoons.

The children have been so excited watching the butterflies come out to dry their wings in the butterfly tent. We gave the butterflies some flowers and some orange to feed from until all of the butterflies had emerged, then on Thursday, we set them free.
Some of the children put their hands into the butterfly tent to wait for a butterfly to land on their hand so they could carefully pull it out and set the butterfly free. They felt tickly. We watched the butterflies fly away and waved them off calling out ‘Bye bye butterfly!’ It was a really exciting experience, if not a little sad to see them all go after watching them some intently for the last three weeks. We have been learning lots of new language with the butterflies and these are some of the more tricky new words we have learned; chrysalis, exoskeleton, proboscis.