and making in Dolphins
Over the last two weeks we have had a busy little time in Dolphins. Our trip to Homebase gardening area has really inspired some green fingers and the children have helped plant the hanging baskets around the outdoor play area, they have planted the tomatoes and strawberries and one of the parents even brought us in tomato and courgette plants.
The children planted their own peas and beans from seeds and they have sprouted already. So the children have been doing drawings of them to compile together to make a ‘gallery of shoots’.
We also got a new painting easel that has been in good use every day. The children can paint whatever they choose but we have also been talking about looking at things we like and then trying to paint them. We have had some pictures displayed at the top of the easel like flowers for the children to try to copy or interpret and paint.

Some of the children have been examining orchids and talking about the different parts of the plant and then having a go at drawing them.
Some of us went on a trip to our local park, where we collected sticks, leaves, dried pods and other natural materials to bring back to the nursery to collage with. We were lucky when we were there because there was a man cutting down a tree with a chain saw. It was very noisy, but very fun to watch. When the children got back to nursery they told the children who didn’t go on the trip all about it at our discussion time before lunch.