Monday 1 September 2014

What Sea Turtles will be doing in September 2014

During our transport topic last month, the children started to notice the colour of the flashing lights on emergency vehicles and the colours of the cars, buses and lorries as they went past the nursery. So for September we will be having a colour month, looking at a different colour every week.

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

Prime areas:

PSED: To play alongside others, sharing discoveries and exploring colours supported by a familiar key person or friend. PD: To hold pencils or crayons using the whole hand (palm) grasp and to make random marks using different strokes C&L: To enjoy rhymes and demonstrate listening by trying to join in with actions or vocalisation.

Specific areas:

M: Begin to organise and categorise objects by colour. UW: Notice and is interested in the effects of making movements which leave marks.  EA&D: Explores objects by linking together different approaches, shaking, feeling, looking and turning.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:

·         Colour Interest table. Manjit will be focussing on one colour a week and will be setting up interest table with objects of that colour. Manjit will also be encouraging the children to explore colour through arts and crafts such as mark making with pencils, crayons and chalk, sticking and painting.

·         Traffic Lights. Afia will support the children to learn the colours of traffic lights and their meaning using paint and key words such as Stop and Go.

·         Mixing colours. Christina will be helping the children to mix colours and develop their fine motor skills by placing paint under cling film and encouraging the children to use their fingers to mix them together.

·         Hand & Foot print rainbow. Alice will be supporting the children in making a large rainbow display for the room using prints of their hands and feet.

·         Primary colours. Amina will be focusing on the primary colours as she talks to the children about the colours they are wearing and singing songs about colour during circle time.

·         Elmer the elephant.  Elena will be using books such as Elmer the elephant and who painted a blue horse along with colour boxes and flashcards to help the children to explore and link colours together.

·         Colour walks. Whilst out on walks the team will point out different colours found in the world around us to the children.

Some ideas to support your children at home:

·         Take time to stop and point out the different colours of everyday objects found in our homes and the world around us.

·         Support your child during a mark making activity at home, talk about the colours they are using and where those colours can be found around us. e.g. that’s red like a big red bus, that’s yellow like the sun.

·         Go to the library and get out some books on colour to share with your child.