Tuesday 30 September 2014

What are we doing in Sea Turtles in October 2014

With the weather and season changing, new children starting, and the sun setting earlier, we have decided that this month our topic will be changes around us. We will be exploring colours, shapes, textures and sound, through a range of activities both indoors and outdoors.

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

Prime areas:
PSED: Explore new toys & environments but checks in regularly with a familiar adult as and when needed. PD: makes connections between their movement and marks they make. 
C&L: Have a strong exploratory impulse.
Specific areas:
L: Handles books and printed materials with interest. M: Say some counting words randomly.  EA&D: Express self through physical action and movement. UW: Explore & experiment with a range of media through sensory exploration & using the whole body.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
·         Autumn food. The children will explore pumpkins, butternut squashes and other seasonal fruit & vegetables with Manjit. The children will then help to make a pumpkin cake.
·         Autumn walk. Afia be organising walks to collect leaves to bring back to the centre and create a collage with.
·         Weather pictures. Using a variety of materials such as tissue paper rice and cotton wool Christina will be helping the children to create weather pictures.
·         What we wear collages. Alice will be supporting the children in making collages using clothes shapes cut out of different textured materials.
·         Sounds like. Using musical instruments Amina will help the children to explore the sounds of the weather such as rain drops dropping, the wind howling and thunder crashing.
·         Day and night portrait. Hannah will work with small groups to create a day and night display and will be talking about the colours we can see during the day and at night.

Some ideas to support your children at home:

·         Leaf collecting. Collect leaves of different shapes and sizes to explore with your child.
·         On the way to nursery. Whilst walking or driving to or from nursery, talk to your child about what they can see in their surrounding environment, talk about the change in the weather, the colours of the leaves on the trees and how they will begin to fall from the tree.
·         Have fun in the rain. Explore the rain by putting on your wellies and rain coats and go and splash in some puddle with your child, extend their vocabulary by using lots of descriptive words.