Thursday 14 November 2013

 What are we doing in Sea Turtles in November
and December?
Festivities, fireworks, Christmas Carols, Diwali and Christmas season. Celebrating and exploring all of the bright lights, fun and festivities of the exciting season that is new to our little ones.
We are going to take our time over this delightful season and spend a good six weeks enjoying it and bringing it to the children with enough time to really let the children have lots of festive fun!

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

Prime areas:
PSED: Exploring all of the bright lights and new experiences with the security of those they are familiar with. PD: Using their fine motor skills to explore and manipulate textures and items new to them.  C&L Enjoying rhymes and songs, listening and trying to join in with actions and vocalisations.

Specific areas:
L: Using books to see messages, items, ideas. M: Gaining the understanding that some things exist, even when they are out of sight. UW: Observing change as the festive world starts to emerge around them.  EA&D: Using a range of media to create festive works of art and decoration.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·         Making Christmas crackers, trees, fireworks pictures with Sarah and seeing them displayed.

·         Learning new songs. Christmas Carol practice for Carols by Candlelight.

·         Festive collages. Alice will be making collages with the children representing all the images of the festive season.

·         Divali shapes and colours. Alice will be sharing Diwali shapes and colours with the children to explore.

·         Christmas decorations. Cristina will be making some Christmas decorations with the children using salt dough.

·         Christmas surprises. We can’t share this one yet. It is a surprise, but what we can say, is the children will be having some fun with Laura for your benefit!

·         Sensory tent. Latoya will be setting the sensory tent up for the children with lots of light equipment and interesting discoveries.

·         Christmas Treasure Baskets. All of the team will be creating some Christmas treasure baskets for children to explore tinsel, baubles, decorations, etc.

What you could do to support your children at home:

·         Take your little one on a festive walk. Slow down and go past the shops, lit up houses, etc and take the time to stop and look in the windows with them while they are in their stroller. Imagine how it is for them, fleeting past all of these new things as you pace past fast and they never get to stop and look. So, give them a treat and make special time to do this.

·         Set up a treasure basket for them of Christmassy things. Let them touch, feel and enjoy being able to really investigate them.

·         Practice those Carols and come to Carols by Candle light! It will be great fun.