Change and coping with it is the big topic
this month!
All of the Dolphins (children, practitioners
and families) have managed a huge change through relocation this month. For the
children, it has meant new routines, varied rules, new practices, a loss of
indoor/ outdoor flow and working in a split group- so a change of peers and
access to some practitioners too.
And, then there is the weather. It is rapidly
getting darker and colder and we will be talking about the changes in our
environment as we head towards Christmas.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: Realising
that the rules, boundaries and practices in some settings may be different to
those in others. PD: Using gross
motor skills to role play building. C&L
Learning some new language associated with building.
Specific areas:
L: Using
books to discover more about building
and appreciating them as a tool to learn more. Talking about the signs
related to construction, what they mean and why they are needed. M: Size, shapes and measures in
building. UW: Observing the world
around, the changes within it and relating it to their world beyond the
nursery. EA&D: using a range of media to build structures, draw plans,
and represent what they are seeing.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support
this will be:
Making a book on the building works in
Dolphins. Manjit and Jenny
will be working with the preschool children to make a book on the development
and progress of the building works.
Building role play. Jenny and Manjit will be supporting the
children into role play around building and construction.
Weather charts. The pre-schoolers will be making individual
weather charts to track the changes in weather on a daily basis to use as discussion
and reflection on the weather.
will be working with the group on making a group weather chart that records the
daily weather and what the children have observed about the weather on their
way to or at nursery. E.g. frozen windscreens, etc.
2D buildings. Christine H will be working with the children
on designing buildings by collaging shapes together.
Building works model. Marie Claire will be making a model of the
building works as they progress and getting children to add to it as the
building progresses to aid discussion.
Excursion to the library. Shilpi will be organising an excursion to the
local library to take out books on construction and building and bringing them
back to the nursery with the children to aid discussion.
What you could do to support
your children at home:
Talk with your children about what is
happening in Dolphins. Go
through the photo library on the Facebook Group with your child to aid
discussion. If you are not a Facebook user, bring in a memory stick for us to
send home building works images.
you pass a construction site, take the time to look at it.
Talk about what they are doing.
the signs around construction sites and what they say.
Talk about safety and why children and the public are not allowed on construction
construction sites have plans on them. Talk about the
plans and what they are for.
with your children what has been happening at nursery.
Talk about how they feel about it. What they like or don’t like about the new
space they are working in.