children have become very interested in sound in the environment. Particularly
while in the outdoors, where they are hearing sounds that they can’t see and
trying to guess what they are. So, this month we are going to extend on that
and talk about what the sounds are, try to locate its source and then learn
more about it.
Prime areas:
C&L: Listening to the noises that adults make when
they tell stories. Recognising and responding to sounds. PSED: Interactions
with others. Exploring new situations when supported by a familiar adult. PD: Make connections between their
movements and the sounds they make when moving.
Specific areas:
UW: Observing and making sense of what animals,
people and vehicles do. EA&D: Dance
and movement to different sounds and feeling the effect of the sounds on our
bodies. M: Looking at shapes of the
things we hear in silhouette and working out what they are.
Some of the activities we will be doing
this month will involve:
the park. Laura W will be organising a series of
excursions to the park to listen to sounds in the environment and then
searching to find the source of the sounds.
and animal sounds guessing. Sara will be setting up sessions where the
children have the opportunity to listen to sounds of the city and sounds of
animals and then guessing what they may be and reinforcing with pictures.
to instruments. Sarah G will be using instruments to make
sounds that reflect the movements of animals and getting the children to move
like different animals.
role play. All of the team will be setting up road ways
for the children role play riding cars, trucks, bikes, etc and making the
noises the different vehicles make as they go.
collage. Chloe will be making collages with children
using simple images of things that make noises and then making the noises they
make with the children.
of music. Ella will be supporting the children in
moving to different music speeds. Loud, soft, quick, slow, etc.
Some ideas to support your children at home:
time to stop and listen to sounds in your environment.
What sounds do you hear every day? Are there dogs, cats or birds that are
regularly calling at a certain time?
about different things and the sounds they make.
Try to copy the sounds they make. E.g. the whir of the kettle boiling, the
shower going, pets, alarms, phones, etc.
to track noises you hear. Listen for a noise, repeat it so you know you
are listening to the same thing and then try to track it down.