Monday 12 March 2012

What are we doing in Dolphins this month?
From March to April we will be continuing and developing our  enhanced focus on animals

The children became very interested in animals during Chinese New Year when we discussed all sorts of animals that represent the years of the Chinese calendar.  We explored lots about animals last month and the children continue to be fascinated with them. So, this month we are going to look a bit closer to home and start to think about pets and how to care for them.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW-Learning about the types of pets people have around the world and the differences in countries. PSED- caring for others (animals) considering their basic needs. PSRN- Looking at sizes and shapes of animals. Comparing the differences. CLL researching and reading about pets, learning new words. PD Using our bodies to care for animals. Learning appropriate ways to pick animals up.  CD Designing animal homes to meet their needs.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·         Jenny will be researching with the preschool children the basic needs of pets and how we care for them.

·         Laura W will be writing a book with the children on pets they know and love and what they love about them.

·         Christine H will be asking families to bring in photos of their pets from home to share on our family pet board.

·         Laura Z will be discussing and doing some activities around the differences in pets and wild animals.

·         Laura J will be making some masks with the children of pets.

·         Rachel G will be setting up some dramatic play pet corners in the outside area.

·         Christina will set up an animal sketching station where the children can copy animal images and make pencil drawings of them.

What you could do to support your children at home:

·         Bring in a photo of your family pet with a little bit of information to share with the nursery.

·         Go to the library and get a book out on pet care and talk with your child about caring for pets and the different types of pets there are.

·         Do some deeper exploration about breeds and what different breeds look like.