Friday 9 March 2012

February to March Reflection

Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles have been really enjoying the exploration of emotions, caring, sharing and being kind to one another.

They have had about five puppet shows for the children to re-enact the incidents that have happened in Sea Turtles around sharing and being kind. The puppets play the children and the teachers step in and sort out the situations and role model gentle touching and being kind. The toddlers think it is hilarious watching events that they are familiar with being play acted out. The younger children watch the older children laugh and smile along enjoying their cheer. They clearly take it all in too, because a few days after a show we did another and got the name wrong for one of the characters and were corrected by one of the children!
The various dens that we have had had been really fun too. The children are loving hiding in them and hiding toys in them! If something is missing it can sure enough be found under a cushion in the den. We have introduced a lot of different scarves, fabrics and cushions into the dens and also in the sensory zone. The children love to feel the softness, textures and snuggle in. Peek-a-boo, hide and seek and throwing scarves, dress ups and hats over each other is a regular game right now.
We’ve also been working on making the sensory zone a more intimate space as well. We have been lowering the ceiling with fabric, mobiles and making it feel really special. As well as being a little quiet zone for babies, it has also been great for calming our speed demons too.
There have been lots of different sensory activities too this month and also last. Gelli (like Jelly but not food), water play, flour play, slime, gloop, clay, paint for just swirling have been enjoyed and are so relaxing and interesting for them.

Dolphins have loved exploring animals this month and we are in no way finished!
We set the home corner up as a vets and the children loved playing in there and taking on the roles of vet, nursery, receptionist and owner. Some of the operations were pretty serious!
The definite favourite was watching parents try to guess the unusual animals and then discussing it during the day together whose parent they thought was the best.  Just taking part with their parents was the biggest joy for them.
The children’s turn with the most unusual animal competition was really great fun too. It was so magic to see the children sharing what they had researched and making statements like “Yeah, that’s a really good one!” They loved trying to remember all the names and doing the voting and have constantly gone back to the animals with their friends to discuss them.

The preschool children have been putting together a book of what they have learned about their chosen animal to research further. Forest School has a new group enjoying exploring the outdoors and taking trips to the park to observe nature. And then there has been all the different things that we do in a month to ensure that all the children are able to take part in a range of activities that interest them.
The Friday children have also loved demolishing all the old shrubs  by the fence and preparing an area that we are going to be able to make a children’s flower garden with. Watch this space!