Monday, 9 January 2012

What are we doing in Sea Turtles this month?

For January to February we will be having an enhanced focus on vehicles and transport. Many of our children are really obsessed with the vehicles we have for them to play with and also all the books to do with them too. They love to explore, talk and read about vehicles so we will be having a big focus on them.

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

KUW- exploring the different types of vehicles there are and talking about what they do. Exploring speed.  PSED-  Working in groups with vehicles, sharing, turn taking. MD- size, multiples, shapes, CLL learning new nouns, making noises to model the vehicle noises, talking about what they do. PD large motor skills role playing driving vehicles. Fine motor skills manipulating small vehicles to do what they want them to do.  CD- exploring with vehicles through arts and crafts, making vehicle representations, tyre painting.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:

  • Manjit will supporting the children to in making some train track paintings and car track paintings using card and corrugated paper.
  • Sara will be making circuits outside for the children to race around pretending to be vehicles or using the toy vehicles.
  • Ella will be supporting the children in making car shaped biscuits and icing them.
  • Sarah G will be helping the children to make some salt dough vehicle shapes to decorate.
  • Sarah G will be supporting the children in making a big red bus using red paint and black tissue paper an vehicle collages.
  • Sarah Louise will be supporting the children to make hot air balloons, paper boats and aeroplanes.
Some ideas to support your children at home:

·         Find a busy but safe patch to watch traffic from. Names the vehicles, colours, comment on sizes and speed.
·         Sing some vehicle songs with your child…’The Wheels on the Bus’, ‘Down by the Station’, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, chocolate bar…’
·         Get some books on vehicles. Trucks often draw children in especially and they love quite complicated ones at a young age. And you will learn something too. It is amazing that a truck is not just a truck.Notice and point things out to your child. They probably noticed them already as you drive down the road  but giving them language to go with their d