From January to February
we will be having an enhanced focus on books
times are a very special part of Dolphins day. We have story times three formal
times a day and each child attends at least two of them. However we also have
spontaneous story times with small groups of children or individuals throughout
the day as guided by the children. Over the next month, we will be focussing
and referring to types of books; science, information, stories, made books, bought
books, free books, authors, illustrators, caring for books, favourite books,
etc. We want the children to be involved in creating books and bringing special
books of theirs in to share with the group.
The activities this
month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of
KUW-Learning new things about the
world through information books PSED-
feeling good about their preferences for books and sharing them with peers. MD- Looking
at the numbers on pages, size of books, shapes of books. CLL Learning new words such as author, illustrator, fiction,
non-fiction, etc. PD Fine motor
skills in mending books, handling books, turning pages, etc. CD-
making up their own stories, poems, illustrations, books.
Some of the activities
we will be doing this month to support this will be:
will be taking groups of children to the Library to talk about what Libraries
are for the children to learn how to use them and respect them properly.
W will be talking to the children about different ways to use books to enhance
the story experience, such as Story sacks, listening posts, acting out stories,
will be talking to the children about how books are organised with words and
pictures, how they are made and how to respect them.
Z is going to be making books with the children; creating their own story and
G will be helping the children to act out some stories and present a play.
H will be introducing new stories to children to listen to on the listening
J will be setting up the home corner as a library for children to role play
using the library.
will be getting the children to select books that need mending and creating a
mending station for book mending.
What you could do to support your children at home:
them to the library. Become a member if you are not one already and get them to
treasure their first library card. Teach them about its value and how to
respect people, services and books.
a story book with them. Invent a story, illustrate it and even share it with
the nursery.
in your favourite book from home.
a photo album of events that your child been a part of, write a story about what