Tuesday, 3 June 2014

What Dolphins did in May


 Following on from our life cycle topic and watching our caterpillars change and become butterflies, the children in Dolphins showed an interest in looking at snails, slugs and other creepy crawlies they find outside so we decided to expand upon their knowledge and interest through a variety of activities.


Christine supported the children to create Bugs using pipe cleaners, feathers and polystyrene balls.The children enjoyed using different materials and different shaped objects.


We released our butterflies at the beginning of the month, which was very exciting as some of the (braver) children got a chance to hold a butterfly before saying goodbye to them!



Monday, 2 June 2014

What we got up to in Sea Turtles in May 2014

Last month the children have loved being outside and have been busy planting, smelling and watching the flowers bud so this month we continued to expand their interests in growing.

When we were planting and growing children became interested in insects they could see and observe in our observing tank. Children enjoyed watching the snails, worms and spiders crawl around. Children went on a bug hunt into Dolphins and the car-park.

From this we created a ‘song sheet’ about creepy crawlies, children loved learning new songs with actions and gestures about growing and learning the names of insects. The song that came out on top was the ‘Bee song’. Children enjoyed using musical instruments to create sounds and dancing to the song to create movements to the beat. The Sea Turtle children also enjoyed learning what the animals do, by creating movements , we used lots of descriptive words with the children to explain what they were doing e.g. crawling, under and tall.

We created sunflower flashcards by taking photo’s each week to help the children to understand the development of the sunflowers, to see if anything had changed. This encouraged their language development.