Tuesday 4 March 2014

What we are doing in Sea Turtles in March 2014

The children have shown an interest in moving, dancing and action songs and the younger children have started to be more mobile and are starting to take steps, so this month we will be looking at being ‘active’ and how to keep healthy. We will do this through a variety of activities, such as collages, action songs, obstacle courses and music and movement sessions. These activities will be both indoors and outdoors. 

The activities this month will be based around the
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: Interacts with others and explores new situations when supported by familiar adults PD: Takes first few steps independently. C&L Enjoys rhymes and demonstrates listening by trying to join in with actions and vocalisation.
Specific areas:
L:Show an interest in rhymes and may have some favourites.  M: Begin to organise and categorise objects. UW: To become more absorbed in combining objects, their families and other people.  EA&D: Move their whole bodies to sounds they enjoy such as music or a regular beat.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·         Music and Movement. Sarah will be supporting the children to choose different music and move their bodies and dance around both indoors and outdoors. She will also help them learn new actions and support them to show off their own moves.
·         Healthy Living Collage. Cristina C will be working with the children to make health living collages using pictures from magazines and the internet of people on scooters, bikes and walking, as well as pictures of vegetables and fruit.
·         Healthy Living Flash Cards. Alice will make some flash cards showing images of things that help us stay active and healthy and use them in circle time with the children.
·         Obstacle Course. Laura will support the children in taking risks safely and exploring a range of different movements needed to travel on, over and under a simple obstacle course.
·         Action Songs. Afia will be teaching the children a range of different action songs and support them to make the different movements.
·         The Way We Move. Christina G will be encouraging the children to explore different movements in the garden such as big steps, walking at different paces, jumping like kangaroos throwing hula hoops and bean bags

What you could do to support your children at home:

·         Take a trip to the playground. Take a trip to the local playground and encourage your little one to use the different apparatus available, support them to take risks safely.
·         Have a kick about. Take a ball into the garden or go to a local park and kick and throw the ball around with your child.
·         Have a dance. Put on some music and have a dance around the living room with your little one. Encourage them to move in a variety of ways, dance to a variety of different types of music, why not try pop, classical or country.