The activities this month will be based around the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: Play
in groups, Extending and elaborating play ideas, explaining own knowledge and
understanding and ask appropriate questions of others. PD: Run skilfully and
negotiate spaces successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles C&L Recognise familiar words and
signs such as own name, stop, go and familiar logos.
Specific areas:
L: Begin to give meaning to marks as they draw,
write and paint. M: Use some number
names in play accurately, for example counting actions. UW: Know some of the things that make them unique, and can talk
about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends and
family EA&D: Enjoy joining in
with dancing and ring games.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support
this will be:
Pancake race. Manjit will set up an obstacle course for the children and teachers
to complete while tossing pancakes as part of our Shrove Tuesday celebrations.
Music and Movement. Shilpi will be supporting the children to
participate in music and movement sessions indoors and outdoors and exploring
different ways of moving.
Sport Collages. Christine will be supporting the children to
learn about different sports that can be played and assisting them to create
collages using pictures of these sports.
Car Park Olympics. Matt will set up and assist the children to participate
in their very own Olympics, The children will be able to participate in a
variety of different races using bean bags, hula hoops, foam javelins and
stepping stones.
Sports. Marie Claire will be helping the children to learn about and try a
variety of different types of sports such as volleyball, basketball and table
Keeping Active. Abongi will be discussing with the children
the importance of keeping active and what they can do to keep healthy and
Sporting Goods. Emma will assist the children to create
pictures of the different uniforms and equipment used in different sports.
What you could do to support
your children at home:
Try something new. Have a look at what is being offered at your
local sports centre and encourage your child to try something new.
to the park. Visit your local park and keep
active with your child, Go for a cycle together, kick a ball about or just go
for a walk together.
them involved. Talk to your child about any sports
you play or used to play when you were younger, talk to them about your
favourite sports and talk about what they like to do to keep active.