Monday 3 February 2014

What are we doing in Dolphins in February?
The Dolphin children have shown an interest in talking about vegetables and why it’s important to eat them, So this month we will be exploring how to keep healthy which includes what we should eat, why we need to exercise and keep active and the importance of cleaning ourselves.

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

Prime areas:
PSED: Begin to express own preferences of what vegetables and fruit to eat. PD: Start to observe the effect of activity on their bodies. C&L Begin to understand the use of objects.
Specific areas:
L: To show an interest in illustrations and print in books and the environment. M: To understand the order and sequences of hygiene routines. UW: To enjoy joining in with nursery customs and routines EA&D: Manipulate materials to make dinner plates and healthy eating posters.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·         Oral hygiene. Manjit will support the children in understanding the importance of cleaning our teeth, through discussions and role play.

·         Healthy eating poster. Shilpi will  be talking about healthy food and the importance of eating healthily   and will be assisting the children to create a healthy eating poster

·         Good food /bad food. Christine will be supporting the children to learn about good food and bad food and how they work, using books and games.

·         Healthy eating dinner plates. Matt will assist the children to create their own healthy eating dinner plate by talking about what food is good for you and cutting out pictures of healthy food to stick on to a paper plate.

·         Hand Washing. Marie Claire will be helping the children to learn how to clean their hands properly by carrying out a glitter experiment to demonstrate effective hand washing.
What you could do to support your children at home:
·         Make brushing teeth fun. Download an app such as BrushDJ or play a CD of their favourite songs and help them brush their teeth to music adding in a little hip wiggle here and there.

·         Take a trip to the supermarket. Take a visit to the supermarket together and get them to choose some fruit and vegetables they would like to try.

·         Get them involved. Get your child to help you cook a simple meal. Getting them involved in the making process will encourage them to eat what they have made.