Monday 6 January 2014

What are we doing in Sea Turtles in January

The children have shown a real interest in the refurbishment that has been happening next door in the Dolphin room. The children have listen to the noises the workmen have been making during the build and enjoyed going around to see them and what is happening.
So this month we will be looking at people at work and at what people use in their jobs.
Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: Explore new toys and environments but checks in with a familiar adult. PD: show a desire to help with dressing and undressing and hygiene routines. C&L Begin to ask simple questions.
Specific areas:
L: Handle books and printed material with interest. M: begin to organise and categorise objects e.g. putting all the blocks together and putting all the trucks and cars in separate piles. UW: Is curious about people and shows interest in stories about people at work.  EA&D: pretends that one object represents another especially when it has objects has characteristics in common. 

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be: 

·         Making Vehicles that people use for work. Sarah will help the children to create vehicles such as police cars, ambulances, dump trucks and cranes.

·         Small world play. Alice will encourage the children to participate in small word play with police cars, fire engines & ambulances and get the children to organise them in to categories to match flash cards, and encourage them to make noises that match the vehicles.

·         People at work collages. Cristina C will support the children in creating collages of people at work and the equipment that they use in they jobs.

·         Junk modelling. Laura will support the children in creating junk modelling vehicles that are linked to jobs in transport i.e. Buses & Trains

·         Role play. Afia will set up a dressing up corner where children can dress up as people from different professions i.e. doctor, fireman, builder.

·         Sand play. The sand tray will be set up with diggers, police cars, ambulances and small world play people from different job roles.

What you could do to support your children at home: 

·         Take a trip to the library with your little ones. Look at books together and read stories about people in different professions.

·         Make flash cards. Print off some pictures of people from different job roles and items they use for that job and make matching game to play with your little one.

·         Encourage your little ones to repeats the sound they hear around them. For example the sound of a train or police car.