Thursday 5 December 2013

What we have been doing in November in Dolphins

We’ve had a very busy and fun filled month in Dolphins with lots of new things going on as we’ve settled into our temporary space.
After finding the demolition of our much loved nursery quite disturbing, once the delivery trucks of building equipment, the concrete mixers to watch, sawing to listen to and getting used to the idea that we will be getting a new refreshed nursery space in 2014, the children really got into the building spirit. Watching the goings on through the fence is great fun! And, we love to joke about the toilets in the garden!
The under 3’s have spent the month constructing a large model of the nursery as the building works continue, every day they are adding more pieces to the model and we will be continuing with the construction into next month as they are having so much fun with it!

The pre-schoolers have also enjoyed discussions about the building works and they’ve been doing lots of role playing, pretending to be ‘Hayden’ and ‘Dennis’ the builders!  They helped put together a photo album of the real construction site.

All the children have really enjoyed coming out of the rooms and playing in the large hall.  We’ve played the parachute game on several occasions, ‘move like a…..’ animal game, and our weekly dance sessions have been particularly fun in the larger space.

Towards the end of the month we’ve got into the Christmas spirit of things as some of you may have already heard, by practising our songs for our Carols by Candlelight evening!  Our bells have been jingling several times a day and we’ve even started making and putting up some decorations!