Tuesday 2 April 2013

What are we doing in Sea Turtles in April?

The children always enjoy sensory play and have recently been focussed on adding things to the various sensory play activities we have been doing with them, changing the textures and opportunities for learning. This month we will be encouraging this more and asking the children what they think would make the activities more interesting…

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
PSED: Exploring activities in new ways with the support and encouragement of others.  PD: Making connections between their movements and the marks they make. C&L Learning new words to accompany new actions and experiences.
Specific areas:
M: Filling and emptying containers UW: Exploring using materials in a variety of ways- shaking, cutting, feeling, tasting, mouthing, pulling turning, poking.  EA&D Exploring and experimenting with a range of media through sensory exploration and using their whole body.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:

·         Textured sound makers. Sarah G will be using a variety of different textured pieces with the children to explore and then using them to make sound makers and listen out for the different sounds the piece make.

·         Changes and stages of mixtures. Laura will be working with the children on the different textures, feeling and stages of making a lot of the sensory activities we use, such as gloop, play dough, cold cornflour. She’ll introduce new and challenging words to describe the changes

·         Mixing and transporting natural materials. Sara will be setting up messy areas where children can explore, transport, combine and mix a variety of pourable natural resources, such as sand, soil, flour, water, etc.

·         Touch and feel trays. Chloe will be setting up some trays each with different textures to explore, such as oil, leaves, rice, noodles and focussing on the language to describe the textures, such as crunchy, dry, hard, slippery.

·         Soap mud. Cristina will be making and using soap mud with the children and adding fragrances, glitters.

·         Coloured and ice cube shapes. Ella will be making a lot of ice cubes of different shapes and colours to feel, play with, combine with other resources; talking about the way it feels and how cold and different it is to other items.

Some ideas to support your children at home:

·         Children love sensory play. It encourages the exploration impulse, cause/ effect, understanding of textures and so many opportunities for language through the changes in state, ways to manipulate it, etc. It does require you to combine the language with the actions and to be ready for a bit of sensory play too. It is so much fun. For some great ideas on sensory activities, the web is full of them and we have gathered some on our Pinterest page to get you started.

·         Language: soft, sticky, squashy, dribbly, crunchy, wet, dry, pull, poke, prod, twist, stretch, tacky, squeeze, push, crack………