There has been much interest in music, dance and instruments in Sea Turtles, so we will be extending our focus inside and out and exploring a wide range of percussion instruments and making instruments too.
The activities this month will
be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:C&L: Encourage young children to explore and imitate sound. PSED: Engaging in playful interactions that encourages the children to mimic and respond to adults. PD: Using music of different styles to represent feelings such as happiness and sadness.
Specific areas:
UW: Demonstrate and value cultural and religious music. EA&D: Play alongside children who are experimenting with music. M: Use finger plays, rhymes and familiar songs.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
Sarah Louise will be helping the children to
make some musical instruments with plastic bottles and materials of different
textures and sounds.
Laura will be making a movement bag with
different materials and textures and also experimenting with moving finger
paint and sensory activities to music.
Sarah Louise will be introducing a range of
different music from different culture alongside related colours and materials.
Sara will be setting up an obstacle course and
playing music at different speeds to explore the way the children react to
tempo and movement.
Chloe will be setting up some disco sessions
for the children to move to music and light and also to combine bending,
stretching and reaching for bubbles as they dance.
Sarah G will be exploring quiet and loud
sounds and the different sounds instruments make in different environments such
and in tents or in the outdoors.
Sarah G will also be creating some new
movements with the children to favourite nursery rhymes.
Some ideas to support your children at home:
If you play a musical instrument, please offer
to come into the nursery and play it for the children. Guitars are especially
good to strum along to our songs.
You probably have a range of music in your
archives from different cultures. Sort some of it out and play it for your
child to dance to and just potter around the house to.
When you hear buskers on the street, stop and
have a listen. Talk about it.
Collectively the children have been on a lot of holidays over the summer and lots of discussion has taken place around ways to travel. So we will be having a month focussing on the different ways we can travel.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:C&L: Listening to others talk. PSED: Demonstrating friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships PD: Experimenting with different ways of moving.
Specific areas:
UW: Finding out about different places. L: Ascribing meaning to marks they see
in different places EA&D: Bringing a story line into their play. M: Showing an interest in space and
Cristina will be focussing on creating
vehicles through junk modelling and paint.
Christine H will be role playing modes of
transport with the children and going on trips.
Jenny will be looking at different ways of
travelling and creating a scrap book of photos, pictures and comments from
Laura will be focussing on moving in different
ways as different vehicles to music.
Carole will be reading a variety of stories
from around the world and different ways to travel to various destinations.
Rachel will be making collages of a variety of
different transport modes.
What you could do to support your children
at home:
When out and about take note and talk about
the different types of transport you can see.
Talk to your child about the different types
of transport they have been on, what they like best and why.
Get into details of the different types of
trucks, what they are called and what they are for.