August the 5th is our Summer Barbecue and this year’s theme is Hawaiian Beach Party.
So dust off your grass skirts, leis, Hawaii
Five-0 shirts and we will have a party!
And for us at the nursery, children and teachers will be getting prepared with lots of activities to get the party decorated, bright and an event to be getting excited about!
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW-learning about another culture, its traditions and uniqueness PSED- confidence in their abilities to make things. MD- size, shape, pattern, quantities and qualities of all the new things we will be making and exploring. CLL naming, discussing, learning words from another language. PD music and movement to Hawaiian music. Fine motor skills in threading leis CD- loads of different types of arts and crafts, dancing, music and movement.
Some of the activities we will be doing in Dolphins this month to support this will be:
• Rachel will be talking about the barbecue what we are doing and why while making some palm trees with the children to get the set started.
• Laura J will be helping children to make some grass skirts from newspaper and taking about grass skirts, looking at images, etc.
• Laura J is also going to be doing some collage with the children of Hawaiian images.
• Lan is planning on making some Hawaiian images, laminating and letting children explore and talk about a range of Hawaiian images.
• Christine has already started her tropical fish tank with the children and will be taking a small group of children with Su on an excursion to the Tropical Fish shop.
• Laura Williams will be making Leis with the children.
• Jenny and Laura Z will be taking a group of children on an excursion to the library to collect some information about Hawaii.
• Jenny will be making some palm trees with the older children out of wood and painting them.
Some of the activities we will be doing in Sea turtles this month to support this will be:
• Manjit will be working with the children to make some tropical fish and also a tropical garland display.
• Beata will be making some tropical landscapes pictures and tropical flowers.
• Megan will be making helping the children to decorate Hawaiian flags with the children.
• Megan will be hanging some tropical mobiles from the arch for children to explore.
• Sarah-Louise will be working with the children to make some cardboard coconuts through painting and sticking.
• Sarah G will be making some flower leis with the children.
• Emily will be doing some music and movement with the children to Hawaiian music.
• Manjit will be making pineapple cake with the children.
• Sarah G will be making pineapple and palm trees with the children.
• Sarah Louise will be making Hawaiian pizzas with the children for tea.
What you could do to support your children at home:
• Start planning your barbecue outfit with your child! Parents are welcome to dress up too and the more colourful we are the more cheerful the occasion!
• Go to the library and take out a book about Hawaii or buy one.
• Download the odd Hawaiian piece of music for the children to listen to.
• Make a tropical smoothie with your child and talk about the fruits you have used.
• Make them a lei at home- children love dressing up in leis!
• And on a summer theme- take them to Southbank- they have a great beach set up, really neat beach huts, lots of performances and an amazing atmosphere. It’s not Hawaiian at all- totally Indo-British, but it is well worth a trip for some summer festivities and fun.