During October we will be having a focus on Autumn. The children are loving the leaves falling and talking about it getting colder and darker and of course, the shop windows are attracting children to talking about Halloween. So it is an exciting month of change and experiences all around us.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this concept will be:
Going on a nature walk to collect natural materials
Setting up an autumnal nature table to look at the various things falling from the trees.
Art- printing with natural materials. E.g. leaves, conkers, etc.
Cooking- making soup out of seasonal vegetables.
Discussions and stories about what Autumn means and brings; darker weather, new colours, changes to the environment, warmer clothes.
Taking a photo shoot with the children of the environment to discuss changes and what is happening.
Having a Halloween party and discussing the festival of Halloween.
What you could do to support your children at home:
Go on a nature walk and collect conkers, acorns, leaves and any other autumnal items- use them at home or bring them into nursery.
Go to the library and get some books out on the weather.
Talk about the year cycle of trees, how they lose their leaves and then regain them in spring.
Talk about animals through the year and how they change. Maybe they hibernate, gain thicker fur, shed, etc.
Get your winter gears on and go for a long muddy walk. The Thames side is great for looking at long shadows, leaves and the environmental changes.
Take some photos with your child of the trees and the environment every couple of weeks and track and discuss the changes.
EYFS link: Knowledge and Understanding of the World.

What are we doing in Starfish this month?
Our children have been facing a change in routine involving more time spent in dressing up to get to the outdoors with discussion and new words around clothes and wrapping up to keep warm, so we will be having a focus on autumnal/ winter clothes, getting dressed, organising and looking after our belongings. And, also some observation and discussion of autumn.
Our children have been facing a change in routine involving more time spent in dressing up to get to the outdoors with discussion and new words around clothes and wrapping up to keep warm, so we will be having a focus on autumnal/ winter clothes, getting dressed, organising and looking after our belongings. And, also some observation and discussion of autumn.
Some of the activities all the starfish will be involved with this month are:
Exploring clothes for dressing up: hats, bags, scarves.
Doing some leaf printing, clouds and rain artwork.
Singing songs about getting ready for colder weather. E.g. Here We Go Round the Mulberry bush on a cold and frost morning. It’s raining, it’s pouring.
Stories about weather and dressing warmly.
Naming clothing items, snap games and flash cards.
Discussions about why we dress up warm and discussing temperature.
What could you do to support the children and reinforce what they have experienced at the nursery?
Talk about what you need to wear in the colder weather with your child. Name items as you put them on. Point out other people wearing scarves, hats, boots, etc in the street.
Take your child on a walk to point out all the fallen leaves.
Sit amongst some dried leaves and scrunch them together.
Go to Richmond park and look at all the chestnuts, conkers, acorns, leaves falling. Watch the squirrels running about.
Go to the library and get out some books on weather and clothes.
EYFS link: Knowledge and Understanding of the World.
Exploring clothes for dressing up: hats, bags, scarves.
Doing some leaf printing, clouds and rain artwork.
Singing songs about getting ready for colder weather. E.g. Here We Go Round the Mulberry bush on a cold and frost morning. It’s raining, it’s pouring.
Stories about weather and dressing warmly.
Naming clothing items, snap games and flash cards.
Discussions about why we dress up warm and discussing temperature.
What could you do to support the children and reinforce what they have experienced at the nursery?
Talk about what you need to wear in the colder weather with your child. Name items as you put them on. Point out other people wearing scarves, hats, boots, etc in the street.
Take your child on a walk to point out all the fallen leaves.
Sit amongst some dried leaves and scrunch them together.
Go to Richmond park and look at all the chestnuts, conkers, acorns, leaves falling. Watch the squirrels running about.
Go to the library and get out some books on weather and clothes.
EYFS link: Knowledge and Understanding of the World.
What are we doing in Seahorses this month?

During the month of October we continue to exploring some of the natural materials that come about from autumnal changes- conkers, leaves, twigs. We will be looking at warm clothes, boots, hats, gloves, etc.
Some of the activities wall the babies will be involved with this month are:
Exploring clothes for dressing up: hats, bags, scarves.
Doing some leaf printing.
Painting in autumnal colours.
Making up a treasure basket with autumn things.
Singing songs about getting ready for colder weather. E.g. Here We Go Round the Mulberry bush on a cold and frost morning. It’s raining, it’s pouring.
Going for a walk to the park to scrunch some leaves.
What could you do to support the children and reinforce what they have experienced at the nursery?
Take your child on a walk to a point out all the fallen leaves.
Sit amongst some dried leaves and scrunch them together.
Go to Richmond Park and look at all the chestnuts, conkers, acorns, leaves falling. Watch the squirrels running about.
Go to the library and get out some books on weather and clothes.
Talk about what you are wearing: scarf, gloves, coat, boots.
Talk about what they are wearing too.