Over the month of November in Seahorses, the group had a big focus on warm winter clothing. This involved not only placing an emphasis on getting children dressed up and ready for playing outdoors in the cold weather, but really making a point of naming the items of clothing and using lots of language such as; warm, snug, hat on, gloves on, coat on, boots on, etc.
The language and encouragement was also to make the layering up a positive experience and to support children viewing the extra time it takes to get ready to go outside as a fun time as well and just as much part of the enjoyment in the outdoor play experience.
To further support the thinking of extra clothing, the seahorses had a range of dress ups for the children to role play and practice dressing themselves and to make it another fun part of the day. They used play hats, bags, purses, scarves and material treasure to wrap around themselves and drape on each other. This has been a really fun activity that was revisited regularly by the children.

Aside from the weather and associated activities, the children got really interested in the spinning toys; watching them whiz and whirl. These were especially helpful for our new children starting as they are instantly engaging.
With the new children, a lot of focus was placed on getting to know each other. So, lots of naming and eye contact was role modelled for the babies as well as singing and circle times involving actions with the children bodies, naming body parts and each other.

And the walkers and crawlers have become more confident and outgoing in their roaming of the environment, enabling them to make certain choices in their activities.