Over the last month of July, the Dolphins children have been focussing on grouping, pairing, ordering and sequencing amongst a whole lot of additonal fun!
There was lots of interest in fruit and vegetables and discussing the similarities and differences. The children are always interested in animals, but they have been more involved in talking about matching babies and parents, putting small ones together and big ones together, etc.
Although the biggest event for Dolphin children in July was our school leaver’s concert. All of the three and four year olds took part in presenting ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt', by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury, as well as sharing some of their favourite songs with the families . Sadly, the day bucketed down with rain and so the great bear hunt made to be displayed outside in the sunshine was confined to inside, but still really fun and the children did a wonderful job of exploring through, thick oozing mud, deep cold rivers, and showing their parents how big and confident they have grown.
The week following the concert the children were able to wear the props and play amongst the scenery that we left out for them. They loved re-enacting it and reading the book together some more.
The other great excitement for some of our children was the school leaver’s trip. Our children who are about to head off to school all went on a special excursion to the Butterfly Jungle at the Natural History Museum. They absolutely loved it and the experience fitted in really well with our focus on butterflies and growing them at the nursery in spring. Lots of children had butterflies land on them so they could have a close look at them. The variety, colours, shapes and sizes of the butterflies was incredible.The children also had their packed picnic in the museum and of course, could not leave without some time spent inside checking out the big dinosaur skeleton!