From May to June we will be having a continued focus on living things with a special interest in animals and sea creatures.
The children have been very interested in spring, butterflies, plants and this has started to move into a broader interest of animals and sea creatures as children have made links to other living things.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this concept will be:
Create an informal underwater world display where children can add to the display as inspiration flows.
Farm animals will be visiting on 17th June
Sea creatures and animals will be placed above the art easel for children to use as an idea for a painting.
Fish and animal snap games
Animal cuttings, collage, decoration and mask making
Visit a pet shop/ library trip to gather animal and sea creature books
Introduce new animal songs, stories and puppet shows
Create an informal underwater world display where children can add to the display as inspiration flows.
Farm animals will be visiting on 17th June
Sea creatures and animals will be placed above the art easel for children to use as an idea for a painting.
Fish and animal snap games
Animal cuttings, collage, decoration and mask making
Visit a pet shop/ library trip to gather animal and sea creature books
Introduce new animal songs, stories and puppet shows
What you could do to support your children at home:
Take them on an animal spotting walk to look for dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, etc. Count how many you saw, talk about their colours and patterns.
Go to the library and get some books out on animals and sea creatures or do some internet research with them.
Take a trip to the zoo or the aquarium
If you do not come on the day of our animals visiting, bring your child anyway.
Bring your pet to the nursery for a visit. A child friendly dog, rabbit, fish, gerbil would be great to bring to circle time for your child to talk to their friends about on a day you do not usually attend.
Go on a ‘late night animal safari’ with your child and see what you can spot; foxes, cats, badgers.
Find a pond and see if you can spot fish, frogs, turtles, tadpoles, etc.
Take them on an animal spotting walk to look for dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, etc. Count how many you saw, talk about their colours and patterns.
Go to the library and get some books out on animals and sea creatures or do some internet research with them.
Take a trip to the zoo or the aquarium
If you do not come on the day of our animals visiting, bring your child anyway.
Bring your pet to the nursery for a visit. A child friendly dog, rabbit, fish, gerbil would be great to bring to circle time for your child to talk to their friends about on a day you do not usually attend.
Go on a ‘late night animal safari’ with your child and see what you can spot; foxes, cats, badgers.
Find a pond and see if you can spot fish, frogs, turtles, tadpoles, etc.