We have been talking about travel, transport
and holiday destinations, with our Hawaiian themed Summer BBQ coming up we have
decided to take a closer look at Hawaii. We will look at its culture, food,
scenery and the people and animals that live on the islands.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
usually adapt behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in
the routine. PD: Use simple tools to
effect changes to materials. C&L
Use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening and anticipate what might
happen next, to recall and relive past experiences.
Specific areas:
Enjoy rhyming and rhythmic activities. M: Show an interest in shape by
sustained construction activity by talking about shapes or arrangements. UW: Recognise and describe special
times or events for family or friends EA&D:
Enjoy dancing and joining in with ring games.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support
this will be:
Giant volcano. Manjit will be assisting the pre-schoolers
to build a giant volcano using a variety of materials and medias.
Hawaiian fruit salad & smoothies. Shilpi will be introducing Hawaiian fruits for
the children to taste chop and make into a fruit salad and fruit smoothies.
Junk Modelling. Matt will assist the children to make a large
Tikki pole from boxes, Tubes, card and paint.
flower Lei’s. Christine will be supporting the children to create their own
paper flower lei’s to wear at the BBQ.
Beach scene. Marie Claire will work with the children to create a large beach
scene using drawings of themselves, animals and other objects found on a Hawaiian
Hula Dancing. Abongi will being showing the children clips
of people hula dancing and helping the children to make their own grass skirts
and to practice their own hula dances.
Head dressers. Emma will assist the children to create and
decorate their own Hawaiian head dressers to wear at the BBQ.
What you could do to support
your children at home:
Talk about Hawaii. Visit the library at look at books about
Hawaii, if you have access to the internet look up some websites about Hawaii
and it traditions.
moving. Watch video
clips of Hula dancers and move around the living room or garden doing your own
hula dances.
creative. Make your very own grass skirts with your
child to wear at the BBQ.
their vocab. Learn some simple Hawaiian words and
phrases with you child, such as: Mahalo - Thank You, Aloha – Greetings-Hello/Good-bye, Hula - The dance of Hawaii