Monday 3 December 2012

Christmas Time!!!

What are we doing in Dolphins and
Sea Turtles for December?

Well, it is the month of celebrations so there is no shortage of inspiration here!!
Christmas is the big one consuming our lives and also Hanukah and Santa Lucia we will be talking about too.

It’s going to be about fun, celebrations, festivities and being together with friends and family. Glitter, tinsel and lights will be shining bright this month!!

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
Prime areas:
C&L: Learning new words about festivals that are new. Using exciting language to describe all that we are seeing and feeling.  PD: Gross motor skills: Christmas dances, stretching and decorating trees, etc! Fine motor skills: detailed craft! PSED: Expressing how we feel about each other, love , excitement, sharing, giving and receiving.

Specific areas:
UW: Cultural learning. Joining in the Winter festivals and learning what they are all about. L: Learning that writing can communicate how we feel about each other and another way of making a connecting with friends and family. EA&D: Selecting, organising, positioning,  making a range of creative expressions of cultural festivals. M: The big count down!! Trees, cards, decorations; size, shape, positioning, etc. maths is endless!
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·         Arts and crafts! All of the teachers and children will be having a blast of arts and crafts.  Making wintery scenes, festival icons, etc.

·         Singing! It started in November practicing for Carols by Candlelight and won’t stop on the 7th!  We will be singing the whole of the nursery through to the New Year!!!

·         Stories! How many of these do you think there are for festivals!? We’ll be reading about Christmas from all sorts of angles. Funny stories and factual. Hanukah, Santa Lucia will also have a look in.

·         Dancing! There is nothing more fun that a good shake to some Christmas songs.

·         The big count down! It takes so long to get to the big day. We’ll be counting, talking about time and having our own advent calendar in Dolphins with works of art by the children.

·         Food! We’ll be baking and making delicious festive treats. Biscuits, cakes for decorating and hanging on the tree.

·         Sharing! We’ll be showing our mums and dads how much we care. Thinking about them, talking about how much we love them and why and making them some surprises for Christmas.

What you could do to support your children at home:

·      Share with us books about your cultural festivals and hat you will be doing for Christmas.

·      Come along to our Carols by Candlelight event and bring your children to the Christmas parties if they don’t normally come in on the day.

·      Take the opportunity to get creative with your children and make some great decorations at home too.

·      Help them to make, write or illustrate family Christmas cards. Talk about your family and go to the post box to send them off with them.

·      Never forget a maths opportunity.  Talk about presents under the tree and decorations; size language: big, small,  short, tall, smallest, biggest, etc. Positioning language: on, under, beside, behind, etc.

·      Join in with local community events that you never have before. It’s different and better with children!