Wednesday, 8 February 2012

What are we doing in Dolphins this month?

From February to March we will be having an enhanced focus on animals

The children have become very interested in animals since Chinese New Year when we discussed all sorts of animals that represent the years of the Chinese calendar. Children were proud of the mostly pigs and dogs that we have in Dolphins and the medley of different animals represent the teacher. We are  going to go a bit more in depth into animal this month and learn about some different  and unusual animals and well as a bit more about some familiar ones.

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

KUW-Learning new animals and more about ones we know PSED- Learning about how to care for animals and why looking after animals is important.  MD- Looking at sizes and shapes of animals. Comparing the differences. CLL Learning a range of new and unusual words, especially the names of animals that are not in the our usual vocabulary. PD Gross motor skills in role playing animals and moving in different ways.  CD- using a range of media to create artistic interpretations of animals.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:

·         Jenny will be having a focus on unusual animals for her preschool group learning new and unusual names and looking at animals they have never seen before.
·         Laura W will be setting up the home corner into a vets for the children to role play in. She will also be researching animals and facts on the ipad.
·         Laura Z will be setting up collage with a range of animal shapes for children to put together as they choose and come up with new animals.
·         Christine H will be setting out for children a range of animal pictures for children to cut out and make collages with.
·         Laura J will be setting up the junk modelling for children to make animal homes, zoos, castles, etc.
·         Laura Z will be doing an activity with the children on matching animal footprints to animal pictures with discussions about the types of feet they have and why.
·         Christina will be showing the children the process of making cookies and the children will get to choose animals to use for their shape.

What you could do to support your children at home:

·         Take your child on an animal spotting walk to look for dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, foxes, etc.
·         Look for footprints in snow, mud, etc and think together about what animal could have made them.
·         See if you can find out about an animal that is very unusual and bring a picture in to the nursery.
·         Go to the library and get some books out on animals to look through together.
·         Take a trip to the zoo.

What are we doing in Sea Turtles this month?

With many of the toddlers becoming aware of their feelings and how the interactions of each other affect one another both positively and negatively, we are planning a month really looking at positive and negative feelings and how our faces express that. The younger Sea Turtles will experience lots of ‘gentle touching’ smiles and cheer from the teachers and the older children too.

The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:

KUW- Learning to anticipate or expect the reactions of others.  PSED- feeling good and sharing our emotions with each other. MD- Counting, comparing, etc through all activities. CLL using words and language to express feelings as well as gesture and sign language. PD Lots of dancing and activities to make us feel good and develop physical skills.  CD- exploring images of emotions and making collages and art work based around feelings and emotions.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:

  • Ella will be setting the children up with a range of facial features for the children to collage with and think about facial features.
  • Manjit will be making emotion faces and using them as flash cards for the children to copy and imitate the emotions.
  • Manjit will be setting up baby (doll) bathing for the children to role play caring for babies.
  • Sara will playing ball games with the children. Calling their names and rolling the ball to them when they smile.
  • Sarah G will be helping them to play musical statues and pulling the face of an emotion when the music stops.
  • Sarah G will support the children working together to explore and appreciate each other’s differences. E.g. soft hair, cheeks, etc.
  • Chloe will be supporting the children with pass the parcel games to encourage sharing, patience. She will also be teaching nice cuddling..
  • Sarah-Louise will be supporting the children in making art comforters, toys, blankets, etc.
  • Ella will be taking photos of items that are special to the children, like their blankets, toys, etc to display at eye level for them and support a sense of belonging.
Some ideas to support your children at home:

·         Pull some emotions faces with your children and label the face you are pulling by calling out ‘happy!’, ‘grumpy!’.
·         Role model gentle touching, stroking, tickling, cuddling, kissing and interactions that make you feel good.
·         Sing ‘If you’re happy and you know it….’ And come up with a range of emotions.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Dolphins from January to February

The topic for January in Dolphins was books. The children loved reading, thinking about and making books. They learned about different types of books, how books are made, authors and illustrators, story books and information books.
The pre-schoolers group cut out pictures of There Was An Old Lady  and then sequenced them into order. They then stuck them together to make a book. They also chose a book they’d like to make at home. Some children brought into nursery their favourite books from home to share with their friends.

Laura Z made books with nearly all of the children. The children cut out pictures from magazines they liked and then told Laura the story for her to write the words in the book.
Carole kept a really special book of nice things the children had done. She wrote quotes and nice events. These are some of the nice things children have done for one another.
I  OD had just woken up from a sleep. OC asked him if he wanted to sit with him and do some drawing.

I  F said his new baby brother was in his bouncing chair crying, so he rocked him and sang to him to make him feel better.

I  HW found JS’s shoes for him from the box and asked him to check if they fit and if  he had got the right ones for him.

I  SB took two new children from Sea Turtles to the bathroom to show them how to wash their own hands in Dolphins.

I  CH brought a toy over and offered it to a child settling in and feeling sad.

Sea Turtles
The topic in Sea Turtles for January was transport vehicles.  How the children in Sea Turtles are loving them. So, they have researched them, looked at new books about them, done loads of transport artwork and a beautiful display of buses.
They’ve made some great circuits in the outdoor play area for the children to zoom about and if they don’t have a ride on toy, they have been able to pretend.