From September to October we will be having an enhanced focus on boats.
The children became really interested in Pirates a couple of months ago and they have started to revisit this with a bigger focus on boats. The younger children have really been brought along with it through the boat aspect and so we are going to explore all the different sorts of boats there are with them and peg a range of activities around boats.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW-exploring different types of boats PSED- sharing what they know about boats with other children MD- size, variation, differences, similarities, ordering, comparing. CLL- Reading about, learning new words, talking about boats. PD- making boats on large scales using the large construction equipment dramatic play around boats.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month to support this will be:
- Laura W will be introducing two new boats songs to circle times.
- Laura J will be making boats with children using the large construction equipment in the outdoors.
- Christina will be setting the scene of a ferry for some role play and making paper boats with the children.
- Laura Z will be discovering with the children about the journey a boat makes through hot and cold environments.
- Laura J will be making a series of laminated images of different types of boats and some information about them to share with the children.
- Rachel will be role playing, talking about and doing some creative activities about the sea life you can see from boats.
- Jenny will be making woodwork boats with the children and creating sea life mobiles.
- Laura W will be setting up some floating and sinking activities based around the things in the sea.
- Carole will be making a book of children’s drawing and stories about what they know about boats.
- Laura and Jenny will be organising a small group walk to the Thames Path to look at, draw and take photos of the different types of boats they can see.
- Rachel will be collecting photos the children bring in of themselves on boats to talk about in circle times.
What you could do to support your children at home:
- Bring in some photos and share what your family knows about boats; boats you have been on, boats families have been on, boats family members work on. We can use these in discussion times to support your child in building their confidence in talking in front of others.
- Go for a walk along the canal or Thames Path with your child and talk about the different types of boats and what they do.
- Go to the library and get some different books out about boats.
Take a ride on a boat on the Thames or Canals with your child.
What are we doing in Sea Turtles from September to

Sea turtles have been loving playing in the new sand pit, pushing their faces into the wind, playing in the water and starting to watch some of the leaves find their way into their playground. They have a real interest in exploring through their senses and with the big changes that the start of autumn brings, this is a great time to explore these elements with the children.
The activities this month will be based around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas of learning:
KUW-exploring textures and qualities through their fingers. PSED- confidence in exploring new textures and feelings. MD- size, shape, pattern, colour. CLL- naming new discoveries and expanding vocabulary PD-using bodies to touch, move, explore through their senses CD- arts and crafts, movement using things in creative ways.
Some of the activities we will be doing this month will involve:
• Manjit will make a volcano with the children in the sand mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.
• Sarah G will be helping the children to make kites to fly in the wind and using the sensory tent blacked out with torches, flashing balls, mirrors for light reflection, etc.
• Sarah-Louise will be using natural materials to make collages with the children, planting bulbs and making windmills.
• Beata will be making collages with leaves and playing with and exploring different types of stones.
• Megan will be making sand pictures with the children and setting up a variety of different water play experience for the older and younger children.
• Manjit will be making pancakes with the children and using the camp stove to cook them; talking about the heat and safety and making some art with the children to represent the process of cooking the pancakes.
Some ideas to support your children at home:
• Collect natural materials for your children to play with and explore the qualities of. E.g. sticks, stones, leaves, conkers, sand, water.
• Play with your baby by fanning them to give them the experience of wind on their bodies. Flap blankets and sheets and blow on their skin.
• Let them explore water movement by half filling a water bottle to play with. Add food colouring for a different effect.