Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Starfish in November
Starfish have had a very animal filled month. Children love exploring and relating to animals and the Starfish group have had loads of fun enhancing their day to day activities through this topic.

There has been a lot of ‘making’ of animals. The cat and dog mobiles have been great fun and the children enjoyed the supporting meowing and woofing as they worked away at their art. They also made some interactive art- furry cats and dogs- decorating them with fur and then stroking them.
Pigs were made too on paper plates with pink paint and pink foam pieces for ears and noses.

As well as making animals, the children have done some footprint art work. They walked the animal figures through paint and walked them around on paper to see the foot prints that they make.
The animals were a feature of the water play as they played with animal figures around the ‘lakes’ and the ‘sea’.

And in the back ground the room has been a cacophony of animals noises. The children love making animal sounds and naming the animals or pointing to the pictures of the animals. Some of the children can name most of the farm animals and they can all join in with the oinks, woofs, meows, quacks, neighs, moos and baas!

The start of the month saw a lot of colour splashed throughout the nursery as the teachers and children talked about and made colourful art to celebrate Divali and Guy Fawkes. Seahorses did some fantastic colourful paintings on black paper. Even if they were oblivious to the events, they still enjoyed a lot of bright colour!

The seahorses have had a focus on using British Sign Language (BSL) in the room to help support the communication with children and to begin signing in the nursery from babies so that throughtout the age groups it becomes a regular part of the way we communicate.

The key signs that the staff have been using with the children during the day are ‘stop’, ‘no, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. One of the babies is regularly using the 'please' symbol to request things and many of them are starting to use hand symbols, even if they are not entirely recognisable yet. They love looking at the hand pictures on the signing chart recently put up in the room. They often go over to the display to touch and look at the signs.

The children have also painted some faces to go with the letter symbols of their names. They have gone up on the wall to help the team to remember the symbols for their names and use them whan talking to them.

A lot of fun was also had making foot and hand prints to go on the teatowels we are making for the nursery. Lots of trials runs took place to get a print that met the criteria and was great fun doing so!

The Surrey Docks Farm visit at the start of November prompted a flow of animal activities that led from one thing to another swiftly. Like doing animal foot printing, making animal masks, cutting out sea animals to make a communal sea picture.

The children loved the animals and it left an interest in all things animal and real animal experiences to relate the animals that we have been discussing at nursery to. It also encouraged children to talk and share with each other their zoo and farm experiences that they have had with families and friends outside nursery.

The preschool group investigated unusual animals and found pictures on the internet, printed them, laminated them, displayed and discussed them together.
The main group did the same with more well known animals and made their own flash cards to discuss and look at with some of the children’s own drawings of the animals as well.

They also made giraffes and put spots on them, discussing pattern and positioning and why they put the spots in the places they did.With teachers help, some children also made animal snap cards that they have played memory, snap and other games with.

Group games have become a real favourite with the children in the last hour before home time and they have really been a great way to round off some of the discussions and learning the children have been doing on animals in a fun way at the end of the day. And at the same time, it is great way to spend time together at the end of the day doing something different and fun.

Favourites have been, catching butterflies blow out of the elephants nose, springy spider, crocodile snap, Guess Who- animals. They have all been great for reinforcing animals names, sounds, and of course to support the children’s co-operation and skills in following instructions.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

November's plans

What are we doing in Dolphins this month?
During November we will be having a focus on Animals.

We started to look at animals in the autumn time and discussed what they have been doing to get ready for winter. This has lead on to discussing animals in general with the upcoming mobile farm visit and animals starting to make their way into the children’s play.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will be:
aura Z is going to making giraffe’s with the children as they have been talking to her a lot about giraffes. (CD)
Laura J is going to be researching some key information about a set of animals of the children’s choice and making information cards about the animals. (KUW)
Laura W is going to be selecting and sharing some new books and songs with the children covering new animals. (CLL)
Jenny is going to be researching ‘unusual’ animals with her preschoolers and sharing what they have learned with the rest of the group. (KUW & PSED)
Lan is going to be making some animal masks with the children. (CD)
Christine is going to be making a counting board using animals (PSRN)
Su is going to be teaching the children the actions to the ‘Animal Boogie’ (PD)

What you could do to support your children at home:
ake them on an animal spotting walk to look for dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, foxes, etc.
See if you can find out about an animal that is very unusual and bring a picture in to the nursery.
Go to the library and get some books out on animals
Take a trip to the zoo
If you do not come on the day of our animals visiting, bring your child anyway.
Talk to your child about animal safety on bonfire night.

What are we doing in Starfish this month?
During November we will be having a focus on Farm Animals.
We have a planned animal visit for November 1st and to get ready we have been looking at farm animals and making noises that they make. The children love exploring animals and so we will continue to extend this interest throughout November.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will be:
Collaborating to make an animal book with Bea, Sarah& Manjit.
Making rabbits ears head pieces with Sarah.
Making an animal mobile with Bea.
Making abstract cats and dogs with Manjit.
Discussions about animals, different types of animals, noises, etc.
Introduce new animal songs to the children.
Collect some animal books from the library to read to the children.
Small animal farm visit to the nursery.

What you could do to support your children at home:
ake them on an animal spotting walk to look for dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, foxes, etc.
Talk about the noises animals make
Go to the library and get some books out on animals
Take a trip to the zoo
If you do not come on the day of our animals visiting, bring your child anyway.
Bring a photo in of your pet and/ or tell the team about your pet so it can be included in our discussions.

This month’s plans and strongly linked to the Early Year Foundation Stage curriculum; knowledge and understanding of the world. (KUW),

What are we doing in Seahorses this month?
The Seahorses team are making a commitment with the rest of the nursery to making British Sign Language (BSL) complimentary to our everyday language.
This is the age of significant communication building. The children understand a lot more than they can communicate to us in words and sometimes this is frustrating for the children. We are planning a focus on BSL signing with the children introducing one sign per week. Signing does not replace language development, it supports language development and communication.

Some of the activities we will be doing this month will be:
Making a display of BSL signs for parents to learn and staff to use as support for signing to children.
Encouraging children to sign as a way of communication with staff and each other.
Introducing children to BSL symbols and using them to help support children in anticipating the routines of the group.
Supporting children in developing confidence in learning new skills and communication techniques through the symbols and signs by making them a part of our everyday activities.

What you could do to support your children at home:
ake a look at our display and learn some symbols and signs.
Borrow our parent signing kits and start using them with your baby.
Learn and sing songs with your baby that involve signing (you know loads already; ‘Where is Thumbkin?’ ‘Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall, etc’.
Take a look at the BSL website below, it uses moving pictures to show you how to do the signs- really helpful.


This month’s plans and strongly linked to the Early Year Foundation Stage curriculum; communication, language and literacy. (CLL),